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In withdrawal since his two strokes, Alain Delon says he “intends to make one last film”

Thursday, 01 July, 2021, 22:24
In withdrawal since his two strokes, Alain Delon says he “intends to make one last film”

He wants to silence rumors about his state of health: “I’m fine. I’ve had two strokes. At the moment, apart from walking with a cane, I’m doing very well.” Was he lucky to escape? Or does he owe his state of health to his nature as a fighter? “It’s my nature, above all,” responds the interpreter of the Cheetah and the Samurai.
At 85, Alain Delon still follows the news, which he comments in this interview. If he finds Emmanuel Macron “much too young”, he adores Joe Biden. Asked also about euthanasia, he said to be in favor: “I am for, and for years. I have lived a lot in Switzerland, which were the first beneficiaries of that. I find that it is the most logical thing. which is, and the most natural. From a certain age, we have the right to choose to get the hell out, quietly, without going through hospitals. “

Coming back to the cinema soon?
Alain Delon also confides to want to return to the cinema. “I’ll be in business before I die, because I plan to make one last movie – and not just any movie. And then I can go. I won’t have anything else to do.”
He adds: “It will have to be exceptional, and directed by an exceptional director.” He dreams of Liza Azuelos, director of LOL and a biopic on Dalida. Not very tender with contemporary cinema, Delon refuses to consider the very popular Omar Sy and Jean Dujardin as his successors, whom he makes fun of in this interview.

Alain Delon’s last role dates back to Any resemblance (2018), the first film by Michel Denisot, a comedy behind the scenes of a television newscast. This film was his first in ten years, since Asterix at the Olympic Games, in which he played Caesar.
Alain Delon was admitted in June 2019 to the American Hospital of Neuilly “for dizziness and apparently minor headaches”. He then had a cardiovascular accident, followed by a “slight” brain hemorrhage. He has since rested in Switzerland, and has hardly made any public appearance, except on a few Instagram posts of his children Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka.