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Shocking X-ray shows a young woman's hips after they were crushed in a crash because she propped her feet up on the dashboard

Sunday, 02 February, 2020, 22:15
Shocking X-ray shows a young woman's hips after they were crushed in a crash because she propped her feet up on the dashboard

A horrifying X-ray of a young woman’s 'life-changing' hip injury has been revealed by traffic cops to warn car passengers against putting their feet on the dashboard.

The woman’s hips were completely crushed when she was involved in a crash while her feet were propped up.

One hip was broken while the other was completely dislocated in the shunt.

Sergeant Ian Price, of Dyfed–Powys Police in Wales, posted the picture to issue a warning so other front seat passengers do not relax with their feet up.
Mr Price said: 'Here is an X-ray of horrific injuries sustained to the front seat passenger who had their feet on the dashboard at the time of a collision.

'If you see your passenger doing it stop driving and show them this.'