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A new Facebook News tab is starting to roll out in the United States

Saturday, 26 October, 2019, 13:25
A new Facebook News tab is starting to roll out in the United States

Facebook began testing a new home for news in its mobile app today called Facebook News. It will roll out to a few hundred thousand users in the United States and host reporting from big publishers, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and BuzzFeed. Facebook is paying some (but not all) participating publishers for their work, offering a welcome new revenue stream for the ever-challenged media industry — at least for as long as it lasts.

As you would expect in a general interest news publication, the tab includes dedicated sections for business, entertainment, science and technology, health, and sports. If you subscribe to one or more of the publishers in the tab, you can view those subscriptions in a dedicated section. (Why you would do this, instead of just using the publisher’s app, escapes me.)

Facebook says its team of curators is independent and “free from editorial intervention by anyone at the company.” It also posted its guidelines for story selection, a preemptive move to quell inevitable cries of bias about curators’ picks.