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10-minute COVID test can be read with a smartphone

Sunday, 14 February, 2021, 22:05
10-minute COVID test can be read with a smartphone

Scientists at the University of Lille (northern France) have developed a device that allows a person to test for coronavirus using their mobile phone independently, Report informs, citing TASS.

The device resembles a flash drive in shape, connected to the connector of a mobile phone. On the disposable test strip inserted into it, you need to place a few drops of liquid obtained by taking a smear from the nose. According to the chief developer, Professor Sabine Szunerits, ‘it is better that such a sample is taken by some medical professional.’ “But we already have an improved device in development that will allow for a lighter saliva-based test,” she said.

As the expert explained, ‘the coronavirus is surrounded by spike proteins, to which the sensor reacts, since their appearance changes the strength of the electrical signal on its electrodes.’ Ten minutes is enough to get the result. The device can detect the presence of the virus in 90% of cases. The test result is displayed on the phone screen along with a graph and digital indicators.