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Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips

Friday, 29 May, 2020, 16:00
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips

A six-month-old baby girl has undergone an operation to remove her second mouth, which was complete with lips, teeth and tongue.

When the mass was first spotted in scans at week 28 of pregnancy it was thought to be a possible cyst or tumour.
But when the little girl was born in Charleston, South Carolina, doctors found the 0.8-inch object was actually a second mouth.
She is one of just 35 people known to have suffered from Diprosopus - or duplication of facial parts - since 1900.
Writing in the journal BMJ Case Reports, the doctors said her second mouth had no connection to the main mouth, and that she could breath, eat and drink normally.
They added it would sometimes produce a clear liquid - possibly saliva - and at times a raw surface would appear around it.
The little girl was admitted for surgery so the extra organ could be removed. This involved drilling down on her mandible to remove extra bone supporting teeth for the other mouth.

Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips
Baby girl has second mouth complete with lips