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Two people died in Norway after being vaccinated against Corona

Wednesday, 06 January, 2021, 13:45
Two people died in Norway after being vaccinated against Corona

The Norwegian Medicines Agency announced that two inmates in a nursing home have died after being vaccinated with the US “Pfizer” anti-Corona vaccine, and that it has opened an investigation into the accident.
She indicated that the agency and the Norwegian National Institute of Health received a message on Tuesday, stating the death of two residents of the nursing home a few days after they were vaccinated with the “Pfizer” vaccine, and that their experts are looking into whether the death is related to vaccination.
A spokesman for the agency, Steinar Madsen, said: “It is necessary to know whether there is a link between these two deaths and vaccination, or if the death came by pure chance.”
Norway records about 400 deaths a week in nursing homes, and it is not yet known if the vaccine victims are chronically ill.